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Celestial 333

Cinquefoil/Five Finger Grass ~ ALL PURPOSE

Cinquefoil/Five Finger Grass ~ ALL PURPOSE

Regular price $9.99 USD
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Also known as Five Finger Grass, the five points of the leaves represent love, money, health, power and wisdom, and so if carried cinquefoil grants these.

Working with authority, (eloquent) communication, blessing, consecration, defense, divination, energy, favors, healing, heartbreak, (breaking) hexes, inspiration, justice, (ending) loneliness, love, luck, magic, money, (calming) nightmares, nurture, passion, power, prosperity, protection, security, strength, success, travel, wealth, well-being, wisdom, wishes and (defense against) witchcraft.

0.5 oz
Comes in resealable and protective tin can


Gender: Masculine

Planet: Jupiter, Mercury

Element: Air 

Keywords: Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep

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