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Celestial 333

Cascarilla Powder ~ CLEANSING & PROTECTION

Cascarilla Powder ~ CLEANSING & PROTECTION

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Cascarilla powder is a white or off-white powder made of finely crushed eggshells from a hen, preferably a black hen. It is so useful in protection, purification and cleansing rites. The protective nature of the eggshell, is embodied in the powder when it is used for protective magick, but it's banishing qualities are most powerful. It seems that negative energy cannot exist in the presence of enough cascarilla and spirit beings find it repulsive. Thus, a line of cascarilla acts as a barrier to the entrance of ALL spirits including harmful or destructive energies.

Cascarilla powder may be used in several ways, including the following.

  • Cascarilla powder may be pressed into chalk and used to draw a magical line or circle of protection or to draw protective symbols.
  • Add cascarilla powder to a ritual bath to wash away negative energy.
  • Add cascarilla powder to a floor wash to cleanse your house of negative energy and prevent negative energy and unfriendly spirits from entering.
  • Dust cascarilla powder onto your body to protect you from negative energy as you go about your day.
  • If you are shaking hands with people all day, dust your hands to protect yourself from whatever junk they’re carrying around with them.
  • Cascarilla powder can also be incorporated into candles, incense and soap to help spread around the protection as they are used.
  • If you find a spell object and wish to dispose of it, dust your hands well with cascarilla powder before picking it up to protect you from being energetically harmed by the item.


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